TCK solar



The Victorian government has a rebate system that supports TCK Solar’s all-electric solutions approach. The government is offering rebates not only for solar systems, including rental properties, but also for hot water heat pumps, aircons and batteries. Rebates are available for both residential and commercial solar installation.

TCK Solar is here to help

We have a lot of experience when it comes to rebates. Guiding our customers through the process is part of our service. We are certified and qualified to handle all these installations. You can find us on the list of authorised Clean Energy Council retailers. Feel free to contact us or call us directly to have a chat.

Solar Panel (PV) Rebate

Homeowners, as well as people in rental properties can apply for this rebate, which pays up to $1,400. Furthermore you are eligible for an interest-free loan to help you pay for your system, which needs to be repaid in the following four years, or sooner, as a lump sum.

Solar for Business Program

The Solar for Business Program is currently closed to new applicants.

Tesla Powerwall 2 battery & Gateway

Battery Rebate: $8,800 interest free loan

While many perceive the cost of a battery as prohibitive, there are incentives which can significantly bring down the up-front cost of a battery and allow you to repay it over a number of years. 

Solar Victoria offer an $8,800 no interest loan, repayable over 4 years, which makes adding a battery to your solar set-up easier than ever.

Hot Water System Rebates

Installing a high-efficiency solar hot water heat pump is a guaranteed way of ensuring you do not have to feel bad about taking an extended, hot shower. The Victorian government is offering up to $1000 for you to replace your current system. There is even an Emergency Installation qualifier, meaning, if your old system breaks and you quickly need a replacement, you can still apply for the rebate without having been pre-approved. We can advise you on which heat pump is right for the size of your household and water needs.

solar panels

The federal government also provides support for solar with STCs — Small-scale Technology Certificates, which cover systems up to 100kW and LCG — Large-scale Generation Certificate, for systems over 100kW.

STCs — under 100kW systems

Small-scale Technology Certificates are basically discount vouchers for your system. They can save you up to 30% on the cost of installing a solar system. The number of certificates you are eligible for depends on the size of your system and where you live. Australia is divided into four distinct zones. The amount of support varies as the value of STCs fluctuate (usually between $33-$37). TCK Solar will apply for STCs for you and deduct the discount from your quote. Once your system is installed you sign the STCs over to us and we complete the registration and eventually recoup their value. This way you can enjoy an immediate deduction on your cost and do not have to wait. Talk to us for more detail about calculating the support you qualify for.

LGCs — over 100kW

Large-scale Generation Certificates are a bit more involved than STCs. They are not a one-off discount, but more of an ongoing subsidy. Firstly, you need to declare your system a power station and register it with the Clean Energy Regulator. As LGCs are paid out based on annual consumption, you need to install a special meter that will record your output. The meter reading needs to be filed annually in order to receive your subsidy. If you are interested in a large solar system for your business get in touch and we can talk you though the best options to finance it.


All-electric energy solutions for your home.


Power your home or business today with clean renewable energy from TCK Solar

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